Teach your child to ride
Learning to ride a bike is one of life’s milestones, a moment of great satisfaction for child and parents…
Learning to ride a bike is one of life’s milestones, a moment of great satisfaction for child and parents…
Balance bikes are the perfect introduction to cycling for very young children. Most children don’t develop…
Helmets must be the right size and correctly fitted to provide protection. It’s not a case of buying a helmet…
A definitive guide to the anatomy of a bike showing all the spare parts.
Islabikes are carefully sized to ensure they are safe and comfortable to ride. To find out which Islabike is perfect…
Children grow so fast they often end up riding with their saddle too low. Riding with a saddle at the wrong height…
With children, as the saddle is raised they will begin to assume a more forward-weighted riding position. This…
Riding with the correct air pressure in your tyres is important for comfort, control and rolling efficiency, as…
Your Islabike will give many years, even decades, of happy use. However, like all mechanical products, it requires…
The unique design of the chainguard fitted to our Cnoc bicycles gives maximum protection whilst allowing us to…